A to Z Shortcut Key in Computer Application

SL N0 Description Shortcut Key
1. Select All Ctrl + A
2. Bold Ctrl + B
3. Copy Ctrl + C
4. Fill Down Ctrl + D
5. Alignment Center Side Ctrl + E
6. Find Ctrl + F
7. Goto Gtrl + G
8. Replace Ctrl + H
9. Italic Ctrl + I
10. Justify Ctrl + J
11. Insert Hyperlink Ctrl + K
12. Align to Left Ctrl + L
13. New Slide Ctrl + M
14. Create New Page Ctrl + N
15. Open Ctrl + O
16. Print Ctrl + P
17. Clear Index Ctrl + Q
18. File Right Ctrl + R
19. Save Ctrl + S
20. Open a New Tab, And Jump to it Ctrl + T
21. Underline Ctrl + U
22. Paste Ctrl + V
23. Close Ctrl + W
24. Repeat Ctrl + X
25. Undo Ctrl + Y
26. Print Ctrl + Z
A to Z Shortcut Key in Computer Application A to Z Shortcut Key in Computer Application Reviewed by Pardeep Kumar on 04:22 Rating: 5

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